Today, the Two Mikes spoke for the first time with the well-known and much-respected Middle East journalist Ghadi Francis. Ms. Francis is Lebanese and attended school in southern Lebanon, the area in which Hezbollah is largely based. She said that the West always deceitfully speaks of Hezbollah as a foreign entity in Lebanon., a sort of occupying power. It is not, she explained. Hezbollah is native to Lebanon, and is both a political party and a military organization that defends Lebanon. Asked if she expected, at long last, that the nearby Arab tyrants would assist Hezbollah and Hamas in their attempt to finish off Israel, Ms. Francis said she did not, as they have no record of being “helpful to the Palestinians” and are clearly only interested in protecting their rule and the support of the United States government. (Ms. Francis certainly is correct about that.) Asked if she saw any chance of lasting peace if the current war with Israel is halted by a ceasefire brokered by the United States and Britain. She inferred that would only happen if Netanyahu approved, and he would only concur if such a deal would allow Israel to continue its now more than 75-year-old program of aggression, which is based on its lust to “harass and dehumanize Palestinians” as well as the theft of land belonging to Palestinians. On the economic situation in the region, Ms. Francis said that the situation is poor for working people as the cost of most things is increasing and that food is in short supply. Wheat in particular is scarce and probably will remain that way until the war in Ukraine ends and agricultural activities there get back on track and produce wheat that can be exported.
Music Credit: Little Bird - Ella Bleu SPONSORS
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