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The Plight of The White Flight with Jack Cashill

Today, The Two Mikes hosted Jack Cashill, a well-known author and documentary maker to

discuss his new book “Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from America’s Cities”. Today, The Two Mikes hosted Jack Cashill, a well-known author and documentary maker to

discuss his new book “Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from America’s Cities”.

Mr. Cashill argues that the political currents of the 1960s linked all racial groups together with neither much thought about the future nor even how similar the groups actually were. This unwise decision “cemented race as an increasingly corrosive issue, as it remains today. One of the principle problems caused by this unwise political-and-media championed decision were federal government social policies that [deliberately?) undermined family life in America.

Reviewing those policies and their impact from the 1960s until today, the governments clearly desired results were to “begin to break Americans away from Christianity; (b) to break up the family unit and cohesive and effective neighborhoods; (c) to bring in people and introduce them into areas where they were never likely to be assimilated; (d.) to break the notion of self-

reliance, long thought to be the principle signature of adulthood, neighborliness, and civic responsibility; and (e) to destroy the public-education system by changing its task from teaching children how to learn and the worth of leading, to an institution indoctrinating children with

radical ideas, racism, and other half-baked liberal and socialist intellectual hallmarks.

The title of Mr. Cashill’s, as noted above begins with the word “Untenable”. He explained that he got the title from a childhood friend who had lived in the same eastern city all of his life but had

decided to leave.

Asked “Why are you moving?” Mr. Cashill’s friend replied that his elderly mother had been mugged twice and the family home had been Invaded twice. This he said, made life in that neighborhood “untenable.”

Jack Cashill’s book, “Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from America’s Cities”, is available at:


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