On Today's show, The Two Mikes took the opportunity to thank our listeners in America and around the world. The two of us have been broadcasting on the radio or by podcast for more than a decade and have tried to blend politics and world affairs with episodes about books, heath and the enemies thereof, fake climate science, urban issues, and, frankly, we have tried to mix in a bit of fun with things like the calls that come in from Moscow from someone close to Putin's government.
Most of all we have tried to be honest and responsive to those who send comments.. We're now approaching a total of 450 shows -- thanks to your support -- and we wanted to wish all of listeners around the world, whether you agree with us, a happy and prosperous New Year and send our prayer that the Lord gives all of us protection and guidance for what looks to be a tough year ahead.
Opening music credit: Noah Kahan, Hozier - Northern Attitude
Triangle Fragrance: https://trianglefragrance.com/?sca_ref=4171318.dUndUHDKz3
Cambridge Credit: https://www.cambridge-credit.org/twomikes/
Our Gold Guy: https://www.ourgoldguy.com