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Lincoln’s Assassination Had an Official Story And a Back Story With James Perloff

Today, The Two Mikes had the pleasure of talking to the author James Perloff about his new

book, Exploding the Official Myths of the Lincoln Administration. Mr. Perloff’s book is startlingly well documented and raises the distinct possibility that senior officials in Lincoln’s government – including the Secretary of War Edward Stanton – were involved in planning the operation and letting John Wilkes Booth escape after the attack on Lincoln. Why was this murderous operation undertaken? Because the Radical Republicans in Congress wanted no part of Lincoln’s plans to let the South up easy after the war, and resume its role in the union and in the U.S. government. The Radical Republicans wanted to squeeze what was left of the southern economy and draw off whatever riches could be had after the war’s end. The also intended to militarily occupy the south and then rule it by the sword. Ultimately, the scourge of military occupation in the south lasted from 18165 until 1877. And what is Mr. Perloff’s evidence? The answer is plenty. To name just a few points: Stanton and his assistant both refused Lincoln’s direct request for stronger security for he and his wife at Ford’s theater; After the murder, Stanton closed all of the roads out of Washington, except the road used to flee the city by Booth and his partner; Stanton took several actions that slowed the start of the U.S. military’s pursuit of Booth on the night of the assassination; and the trials of Booth and his so-called accomplices were hardly fair and were conducted in a military court. Mr. Purloff supplies many other such examples, to a total of twenty-five, and notes that a number of the most vital documents for investigating the murder have since disappeared from the archives in which they were placed.

Overall, this book is an excellent, informative, fact-filled, and a provocative read. In terms of

understanding the assassinations that have occurred in our own lifetimes – JFK, King, RFK, and

most recently the attempt against Trump, the book will ring bells in your mind without ever

mentioning those events. The possible role of U.S. government entities in each of them – and

the manner in which those entities operated – will found, in Mr. Perloff’s book, to be nothing

new, but rather tend to mirror some of what occurred in the operation to kill Lincoln.

--James Perloff, Exploding the Official Myths of the Lincoln Assassination, Refuge Books,





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