(Click above play button for podcast video)
General Thomas McInerney broke the news of Hammer and Scorecard on the Two Mikes show on the video below. Keep in mind this was right BEFORE the actual election.
The Tin Foil Hat Youtube Live video where we covered the Election in real time with over 2700+ live viewers, has been deleted from YouTube; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMnQaRC9kH8
However there is an audio version of it here : https://chartable.com/podcasts/tin-foil-hat-with-sam-tripoli/episodes/70130877-390-2020-election-night-coverage-with-james-altucher-john-paul-rice-chaney-tino-sanchez-agostino-zoida-and-fadi
China's unsrectricted warfare from 2005 "the Chinese will get global domination by using massive biological warfare, and cyber warfare... they will not use kinetic means":
A well-known speech by Comrade General Chi Haotian, Vice-Chairman Of China's Military Commission, in December, 2005 gives the world insight into the truth.
Here are some excerpts to prove that the Chinese openly discussed using biological warfare not only against the US, but on their own people.
Only by using special means to 'clean up' America will we be able to lead the Chinese people there. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.
Link from Rense: https://rense.com/general85/China'sPlanToConquer.htm
Link to Two Mikes website: https://twomikes.us
Link to Two Mikes podcast on Network Radio: https://networkradio.us/twomikespodcast
Link to Dr. Michael Scheuer's blog: https://non-intervention2.com
Link to John B Wells Rumble channel where you can catch his Caravan to Midnight LIVE show which General McInerney is usually on every Saturday: https://rumble.com/c/JohnBWellsLive
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