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DEI is Americans DOA with Dan Baranowski

Today, The Two Mikes spoke with Dan Baranowski, who described himself as a registered respiratory therapist and a lifelong conservative.


Mr. Baranowski said that in his career -- both as a therapist and a conservative -- he saw the slow but sure degradation of the concept of honesty in the federal government, as well as the gradual joining of that deceit with blatant lies and the rabid detestation of the United States.


Under the Democrats, the U.S. government has deliberately corrupted many of America's key governmental institutions. The Biden and Obama administrations used wokeism in the form of the policy of DEI, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which, of course, is a tool for producing and promoting as many incompetent and usually minority individuals into the civil service, military forces, intelligence agencies, and health-related organizations so they could wreak havoc in their quality, reliability, honesty, while at the same time promoting anti-America hatred and racial animosities across the country.


The federal government made sure that giant private sector companies followed suit, and those firms are now bragging about how many more minorities than whites they hire, and how they arbitrarily pay whites at lower rates than their minority hires.


Finally, Mr. Baranowski noted that the scourge of DEI has now infected and so debilitated medical schools, law schools, and Ivy League universities, and they now seem to produce as many -- or more -- demented, sexually depraved, and authoritarian-oriented graduates as their do well-trained and disciplined professionals. 






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