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Today, The Two Mikes spoke with great investigative reporter Jack Maxey. (Mr. Maxey’s presentation was riveting and we ended up with an episode that lasted a little over an hour, so we will divide it into two episodes.) Our listeners will recall that Mr. Maxey was one of the first people to acquire a copy of the hard-drive from Hunter Biden’s computer. Thereafter, he gave copies of the hard-drive to many leading Republican leaders, law-enforcement organizations, and other prominent individuals. Almost none of the recipients have responded to the hard-drive in any way meaningful way, which, at a minimum, means that even leading Republicans and senior law-enforcement officials have little interest in nailing the Biden crime family for their financial crimes and their treason. Mr. Maxey said that the material on the hard-drive also showed that the Biden administration – and its CIA in the lead – was running the company called Metabiota and placing its laboratories in many locations in Ukraine to manufacture bio- and bio-chemical weapons, including lethal vaccines designed by Dr. Fauci. Interestingly, Mr. Maxey said, the Metabiota company is still listed as a portfolio company by the CIA’s technology investment company IN-Q-TEL. Needless to say, the placing of numbers of Metabiota laboratories across Ukraine was another important component of the plan of the Biden Administration, Soros, and the WEF, the UN, and the Globalists to bring about a U.S.-Russia war. Mr. Maxy also that he believes three other things are becoming increasingly clear: (a) General Michael Flynn is “dirty, a bad actor, and a traitor”, (b) Israel might be done because it has screwed up in so many areas, because it behaves always with an alienating, almost delusional arrogance, and, most lethally, has united Sunnis and Shias, and (c) all of Washington is run by blackmail.    

Opening music credit: Noah Kahan, Hozier - Northern Attitude




1 Comment

Jan 27, 2024

What about his Flynn Intel group with Bijan Kian and Woolsey? Did Flynn, Stone and Jones set up Jan 6?

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